I am using Windows XP. I installed multiple users with me being the administrator. The problem is I'm getting an error message 'NIOCApi' with a text message that says 'fail to open service control manager'. This occurs on all of the users' accounts but not mine. This error is preventing them from using their account. Any help is deeply appreciated.
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My CD-ROM drive and DVD drive can read CD-ROMs but not music CDs. What could be the issue?
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What does STD stand for when asking for a phone number in an application form of any type?
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I don't know where to put the audio and video cables in the back of my unit. The kit only provides 1 set of cables, but the instructions show 2 sets being hooked up. My DVD player only has room for 1 set. How should I connect the cables?
April 8th, 2024
I have a new computer with MS Windows XP already installed. I also have an older computer that I would like my son to use. Can I put XP from my new computer onto this older one, and is it legal?
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Have Built in Sonic
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