I have a 500 MHz G4. The machine doesn't come on; I can hear the fan run but most of the time it won't get beyond just the fan turning on. I've been to the local Apple store, and they said I had a bad hard drive. Another person got the Mac to operate but once off, it may not come back on. Now I'm hearing that it is possibly the power supply. I already bought a new hard drive, 512 MB memory card, and a new OSX operating system. How do I know what the problem is?
June 23rd, 2023
I'm trying to install MSN Messenger, but it says I need an administrator password to install it. What does that mean? And is there any way to get around it?
June 4th, 2024
How do I delete files that I have looked at on the internet?
May 23rd, 2024
How do I get my computer to play music?
April 26th, 2024
I have a desktop and I unplugged my speaker box and plugged it back in, but now there's only frying noise coming out of my speaker box. I want to know if I matched the cords back the right way and how I would know to fix it. Please help.
March 28th, 2023
I have an intent service through my landline phone on my desktop PC, and I bought a USB adapter to connect wirelessly because I wasn't getting any signal. What do I need for internet on my Gateway M320 laptop when I'm not at home?
October 21st, 2024