I have a Toshiba laptop and when I try to download forms or documents from websites, they open in a separate box with an X at the upper left corner and I can't open them. This happens with most forms and links on the Internet. I'm using Internet Explorer and have Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader XI installed. Can you help?
February 19th, 2024
How can I upgrade Internet Explorer 7 to 8, and will this upgrade cause computer problems?
April 29th, 2023
Is there a way to close Windows on a modern computer and just use DOS to run old software that is not compatible with current Windows systems but can be used in DOS?
September 15th, 2023
I purchased Microsoft Money Plus Deluxe in 2008 and have been using it for almost 6 years. My computer hard drive crashed, and I reinstalled the Money program from the CD, but I cannot find the activation key. I found the key in the original email, but it will not work. What should I do?
December 10th, 2023
I need to install a virus protection program on my desktop running Windows XP before upgrading to Windows 7. I downloaded the Avira Free Antivirus program to an external drive but can't install it on the desktop. The computer is not connected to the internet, and the wireless remote icon shows the computer trying to dial a number instead of connecting to the internet. How can I install the antivirus program and resolve the internet connection issue?
December 8th, 2023
I downloaded a 2012 tax return on an old computer and need to download it on a new computer. I used TurboTax. Is the return completed? Was it efiled? Was it the online version or the desktop version?
August 5th, 2023