I need telephone support to use WhatsApp on my Samsung Galaxy Android phone. I am having trouble adding contacts to my WhatsApp and uploading photos. Some people can add me to their WhatsApp, but others can't. I prefer to speak to a live support agent for assistance.
November 22nd, 2024
I placed an order from Lean Biome from their website and it said my payment was declined, yet I got an email receipt from ClickBank saying my order was processed. Did the order go through?
January 2nd, 2023
I have two unfamiliar charges of $14.99 each on my account. I didn't use Uber for the past four years due to the pandemic. How can I resolve these charges and ensure they are removed from my account?
August 22nd, 2023
I need urgent help to unlock my Samsung Duos phone that I haven't used since January 1, 2018. I can't remember the password and need access to my messages and recordings. I don't have a backup and the phone is not connected to Wi-Fi. Is there a way to unlock the phone without losing my data?
June 9th, 2024
I am having trouble logging into my Amazon account to manage my book sales. I used to log in with a phone number, but I no longer have that cell phone. I have over 400 books listed and want to delete the listings to prevent further sales. What can I do to recover my account or delete my listings?
January 11th, 2023
I need a replacement printer tray for my HP OfficeJet Pro 9015. The current tray's arms are broken, and I'm having trouble finding a suitable replacement. Can you help me locate one?
May 29th, 2024