I received a Cricut for Christmas and a tablet to work with it. I can't get the Cricut app to load on my 10-inch Fire HD 10 11th generation tablet. The app says it's installed but won't open, and when I try to open it through Google Play Store, I get a 'Website not available' error with an unknown URL scheme. What can I do to resolve this issue?
June 16th, 2023
I'm having trouble answering a call on my Android phone. When I press the green answer key, nothing happens. This issue has been ongoing for about 2 weeks. How do I resolve this?
May 25th, 2023
How do I turn on or create a Google account on my Samsung A12 phone?
April 16th, 2024
I need to change order #92698818 from home delivery to store pickup at Home Depot. How can I do this to save $55?
October 8th, 2023
My Gmail account was hacked, and the password and recovery email were changed. How do I get it back, and what steps should I take to secure my other online accounts?
February 12th, 2024
I tried to log into my account and it asked to verify my account with a security question, but the question was 'what is my spouse's middle name?' I am not married and I didn't pick it as a question. How can I get into my account when that isn't my security question?
February 16th, 2023