My HP desktop switched to a low resolution on its own, causing the screen to show four pictures of the page I am viewing and making it impossible to read the control panel page or set a higher resolution. The computer starts in Safe Mode, and I am unable to change the resolution or exit Safe Mode. What should I do?
November 11th, 2023
I lost my email address for MagicJack, and it's time to renew my account. I changed my email and forgot it for MagicJack.
July 8th, 2023
How can I get my computer out of safe mode?
April 30th, 2024
My mic is definitely plugged in but the test call is not working. What should I do to troubleshoot this issue?
June 18th, 2023
I have AOL for an ISP and recently installed "AV Security Suite" virus software, which is preventing me from deleting it or adding any other virus protection such as Norton or Microsoft Security Essentials. I'm using Windows XP. Is there anything you can do to assist me?
May 22nd, 2024
My new Windows 7 laptop, which is 8 months old, has been experiencing two consistent problems for the past 2 weeks: Google Chrome displays a message about a corrupt file and suggests running disk cleanup, which doesn't fix the issue, and a window pops up on restart stating that STString.dll is missing and cannot start the program. I paid for Regcure, which didn't resolve the issues. How can I fix the STString.dll problem and the corrupt file problem?
December 16th, 2023