The covering of my SD card came off, and it can no longer be read by my camera or card reader. Can it be reassembled with a new SD card covering, or can my photos be transferred to a new card?
March 23rd, 2023
I cannot open my Outlook email. I am using Google as my web browser. I used it last night and it was fine. What could be the issue and what should I do to resolve it?
January 30th, 2024
How can I buy the soccer programs?
April 19th, 2024
Where can I complain about my order through Postmates? I ordered McDonald's 2 hours ago and still haven't received my order. My address specified delivery to my door, but nobody came to bring my order.
July 18th, 2024
I accidentally entered the wrong date of birth on Instagram and now I'm listed as a minor. I've tried to update it but I'm unable to because of the age restriction. How can I change my date of birth on Instagram?
June 19th, 2023
I was double charged for 4 bags, but they charged me for 8. My nephew used a Chase Freedom card to get our boarding passes, and the stewardess said we already paid when I gave my American Express card. We were charged for 8 bags. How can I resolve this issue with my American Express card?
March 31st, 2024