A 7-year-old male Chihuahua named Hercules has two small skin bumps on his side. The first bump appeared about two weeks ago, and the second one appeared recently. Hercules cannot reach the area to lick or rub it. What could these bumps be, and what should be done about them?
July 29th, 2023
Accidentally gave my Pug, Bailey, who weighs 25 to 30 lbs, two 200 mg gabapentin pills instead of one. It happened about 10 minutes ago and she hasn't vomited. What should I do?
November 7th, 2023
My dog can’t stop coughing. The vet recommended some medications for a collapsed trachea, but they haven’t helped. What else can be done to help my dog, Kusco, a 14-year-old Miniature Pinscher?
January 3rd, 2023
My 8-week-old, 4-pound cockapoo, Lulu, ate a vitamin D tab or a homeopathic cold calm tablet that my son dropped. It has been about 30 minutes since she ate it, and she has not vomited. What should I do, and what signs should I look for?
October 5th, 2023
I'm trying to get rid of a fly problem and read that mixing eucalyptus essential oil and olive oil would help repel them. I plan to use 12 drops of essential oil with 30 ccs of olive oil. Is that safe for my boxer, Sammy, who is 5 years old?
January 22nd, 2024
My dog, Charlie, is 6 years old and has a tumor near his rectum. He has been having trouble urinating and is shaking all the time. What could be causing these issues and what can I do to help him?
September 17th, 2023