Could the blood draw during my Mom’s 12-year-old Maltese's annual vet check-up have caused her to slowly bleed internally and die 18 hours later, given that she developed a large hematoma at the site of the blood draw and her lungs were full of fluids when she passed away?
October 21st, 2023
My 4-month-old pit bull, Freeway, got into laundry detergent. She was dry heaving but didn't throw up. What should I do?
December 11th, 2023
My dog Hudson, who will be 3 in March, has diarrhea that started today and has worsened to a liquid state. He is otherwise healthy and has a sensitive stomach. I forgot to bring his usual medication with me. What can I do to help him?
April 4th, 2023
My 12-year-old 20-pound dog, Nissa, has been vomiting and unable to settle. She has a history of elevated liver enzymes and has been taking supplements like glucosamine, milk thistle, and slippery elm. What should I do to help her, and can the same treatment be applied to my other two dogs who are now showing similar symptoms?
December 18th, 2024
My dog, Bella, a 5.5-year-old weighing 85 lbs, may have eaten 1 or 2 vitamin tablets containing 800 IU of vitamin D and 20 mcg. It has been 30 minutes since, and she is acting normal. Should I be concerned, and is there anything I should do?
November 13th, 2023
My dog found what looks to be rat poison in our yard. He dropped it right away when I told him to and I don't think he ate much if any. Just wondering if ingesting a little bit is anything to be worried about. How much of the rat poison did the dog eat? Has he vomited? Is there anything else the Vet should know before I connect you?
September 14th, 2024