Do you recommend cryotherapy for a cyst on my 2-year-old Bichon?
December 26th, 2024
My 10-year-old Pekingese dog is lethargic, has a warm body, trembling legs, and is favoring his front left leg and paw. He also struggles with getting up from the floor, jumping, or going up stairs. What could be wrong and what should I do?
November 8th, 2023
My dog stumbled after coming into the house and showed signs of panic, including a racing heart, sweating, and a gentle whine. He also snapped when touched near his neck and lower ear base, which is unusual for him. Twenty minutes after the incident, he is calm but his breathing is slightly labored. Should we go to an emergency animal hospital?
October 18th, 2024
My 7-year-old dachshund ate a whole bag of dried pineapple. Is this poisonous to her? She is acting lethargic and has vomited twice. Before I realized what she had gotten into and picked up her bowls, I noticed her drinking abnormally large amounts of water.
November 26th, 2023
My dog, Fudge, is having his left quadrant mandible removed. Are the prospects good for function after the surgery, or do some dogs struggle? Fudge already had part of his ridge removed last Tuesday, but he's having another operation on Thursday. I'm struggling with my conscience about putting him through it again.
June 15th, 2023
I have a female Doberman, nine years old, who has been experiencing recurring diarrhea, sometimes bloody, despite various treatments including dietary changes and medications. My vet has ruled out common causes through tests, and a holistic practitioner has been helping with a natural diet. However, the diarrhea persists intermittently. Should I continue with the current approach, and if not, what other options should I consider?
September 9th, 2023