Hello Vanessa, I accidentally gave Daisy (a recently diagnosed with mitral valve failure, 22 lbs female dachshund) 1 full 25 mg tablet of spironolactone instead of 1/2 tablet, along with 2.5 mg of pimobendan. Her respiratory rate is higher than earlier today and she seems a bit anxious. What should I do?
March 20th, 2024
My 50lb dog, Buffy, a 9-year-old Goldendoodle, just ate about 1/2 cup of sweetened shredded coconut containing coconut, sugar, water, propylene glycol, and sodium metabusulfate. Should I call the vet?
July 23rd, 2023
My dog ate a raisin. She is a medium dog (45lbs) and ate 1 raisin 10 minutes ago. No vomiting has occurred. What should I do?
January 22nd, 2023
My six-pound dog, Maggie, a 2-year-old, ate a 2-ounce hot chocolate bomb made of white chocolate on the outside and milk chocolate hot chocolate powder inside. She did not throw up and swallowed no wrappers or foil. What should I do?
December 29th, 2024
My 5-year-old Boxer, Rusty, is acting unusual, leaning on me, and moping. He has a sore on his paw that has been there for a week, and his stools have not been solid for three days. What could be causing these issues and what can I do to help him?
April 17th, 2024
My dog ate .265 ounces of dark chocolate. He weighs 11 pounds and is 5 years old. What should I do?
March 8th, 2024