I have a 104 lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback. She went out to do her business and came back with her face, including her nose/sinus area, lip, and throat on one side, swollen. I don't see any puncture marks (snake bite) and suspect she may have eaten a wasp or ground bee or other stinging insect. All the stores are closed and I only have hydroxyzine. Can I give that to her, and if so, how much?
December 29th, 2024
Our 9-pound poodle ate a 1.5-ounce milk chocolate bar about an hour ago. I've heard chocolate is poisonous for dogs. Is that true? What should we do? She is not showing any symptoms at this time.
May 9th, 2024
Is the oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) version of Zofran safe for my dog, Gracie, who was prescribed Zofran for nausea unresponsive to Reglan?
April 8th, 2024
My 8-year-old Pomeranian has been experiencing 'spells' where she appears lost, in pain, and trembles for about 10-15 minutes, usually once a day. She recently moved from Dallas to Houston and has had several of these episodes. A vet found no issues except allergies and recommended Benadryl. What could be causing these spells and what further steps should be taken?
April 2nd, 2023
My 13-year-old dachshund is very sick. Despite extensive tests including blood work, C-scans, and other imaging, her vets can find nothing. She has lost a third of her body weight, her skin is cold, her nose is cool and moist, and she is lethargic, moving only to relieve herself. She is not in pain and will only eat a few bites a day. She has been on antibiotics and prednisone to encourage appetite and pain relief. What could be causing her condition, and what further steps can be taken?
June 20th, 2023
My dog has red yeast on her face, paws, and lower belly/legs. Is there anything I can do for her without a prescription?
September 30th, 2023