I have a standard poodle named Marley who recently got shaved of all hair due to mating. While sleeping or cuddled up, he exhibits shaking of his hind quarters. Additionally, there is a bulge on one side of his butt that appears to be a liquid pocket and he is licking the area. What could be causing these issues and what should I do?
August 27th, 2024
We rescued a pit bull dog from an abandoned house three days ago. She was extremely emaciated and has been eating canned food and Pedigree since then. She now has constant diarrhea. What should I give her to get rid of the diarrhea?
August 31st, 2023
I have a 6 1/2-year-old Great Dane who has been vomiting water/yellowish liquid about once a day, sometimes up to 4 times, in the last 3-4 weeks. He sometimes makes a hacking noise and occasionally just yawns and the liquid comes out. He is keeping food down and pooping/peeing normally. We got a Great Dane puppy in November and switched foods from a cheap store brand to Canidae ALS, with no immediate issues. Could this be stress, acid reflux, or another issue?
March 16th, 2024
My rottweiler has a recurring yeast infection in his ears. The medication from the vet hasn't helped, and he had a bad reaction to a diluted apple cider vinegar solution. I'm considering switching his diet from Hills (grain-based) to Eukanuba (protein-based) or trying a homemade diet of rice, fresh meat, and grated carrot/apple. I'm also unsure if dogs can digest uncooked vegetables. What homeopathic or other remedies can you suggest, and should I change his diet?
December 2nd, 2023
My dog found and chewed up a pack of Zantac. What should I do?
August 3rd, 2024
My nine-year-old female corgi dog recently had hip surgery six months ago, which involved the removal of her ball bone. Now her paw bends and drags when she walks, and she has difficulty standing. Is there any kind of brace or support device I can put on her to prevent these problems?
September 4th, 2024