I have an 8-year-old female Chihuahua named Mia who has been experiencing severe regurgitation since her surgery for pyometra. She has been on Cerenia and Reglan, but the regurgitation persists, and she has been passing gas. What could be causing this, and what steps should be taken to address it?
December 25th, 2023
My dog, Ripple, a 4-year-old Cairn Terrier, hasn't eaten anything for 3 days, though he drinks water. He doesn't seem tired, is not in pain, and his breathing is normal. What could be causing his lack of appetite, and what can I do to help him start eating again?
April 25th, 2023
My 6.5-year-old Rottweiler, Brodi, ate a cooked chicken carcass (no leg/thigh, just breast, back, and wings). He seems okay now, but what symptoms should I look for, and what should I do if he shows any signs of distress or blockage?
July 6th, 2023
My 10-month-old lab, Hudson, threw up a little mucus with a chunk of something pliable (possibly a chew stick) and now he’s stretching his neck and his hind quarters shiver when he breathes in. He can’t get comfortable. What should I do and what signs should I look for to know if I need to take him to the vet?
July 19th, 2023
I have a 2-year-old Maltese-terrier mix named Marlie. She stopped eating her regular food and started having diarrhea after eating plain chicken and rice with broth. She also vomited a small amount of mucus this morning. She seems otherwise normal, but has lost a little weight. What could be causing this and what should I do?
November 6th, 2024
My dog, Lucy, is sick and has been lethargic and refusing to eat for two days. I can't get her into a vet due to no available appointments. What could be causing her symptoms and what can I do to help her at home?
April 8th, 2024