I just adopted Bruce, a 18-month-old dog, from the shelter. Since I got him, he has been randomly dry heaving and acting like he is trying to vomit, but without any actual vomit. He eats, drinks, and plays normally. What could be causing this, and what should I do?
July 31st, 2024
Can dog poop cause cancer in humans?
October 8th, 2024
My dog ate a 15 mg capsule of Adderall, extended release. After vomiting, he seems hyperactive and we are worried about his condition. Will he be okay? Could he die? He is only 20 pounds and about 16 weeks old.
April 3rd, 2024
Can I give Benadryl with Anapryl to my 14-year-old dog?
December 6th, 2023
My 10-year-old bulldog, Surry, vomited multiple times after being given Sentinel. She has a history of reacting poorly to Sentinel with lethargy but never vomiting. Additionally, my 6-month-old bulldog pup had a seizure-like episode and vomited bile after receiving Sentinel. What could be causing these reactions, and what should I do?
April 27th, 2024
My 3-year-old black lab named Roman has a round, growing bump on his torso that was diagnosed as an infected cyst. After a 7-day antibiotic treatment, the mass remains hard and slightly smaller. What could have caused this, and what should I expect regarding potential costs if the cyst needs to be removed?
June 4th, 2023