I’m worried about my 9.5-year-old black lab who is around 90lbs. She recently started panting mildly at midnight, which seemed odd. The panting has since subsided, but I noticed her gums are black, which I read could be potentially dangerous. Should I be concerned about her gum color, and what should I do if the panting persists?
February 28th, 2023
My puppy (75 lbs) ate two packages of mini Hostess donuts, one chocolate and one cinnamon, along with the plastic wrapping. Should I be concerned about any potential health issues?
October 28th, 2024
My 10-month-old American Eskimo dog, Lolli, threw up 4 times this evening and is whimpering in pain. The vomit is yellow liquid with no food. Last night, she ate a fried chicken drumstick. What should I do?
July 1st, 2024
My 10 lb. Chihuahua, Mia Belle, ate about an inch of a bratwurst about 2 hours ago. She's not herself and quite lethargic. Is this normal, and should I be concerned given her heart murmur?
May 21st, 2024
My dog, a 5-year-old lab mix with pit bull named Maddie, has diarrhea likely due to giardia. We don't have antibiotics left from her last bout. Can we use Kaopectate to manage her condition overnight before taking her to the vet in the morning?
May 6th, 2024
My dog ate 3 grapes. What should I do? The dog is a 6-month-old Red Fox Lab weighing around 40-45 pounds. She ate the grapes just 5 minutes ago and has not thrown up. She is acting normally.
January 31st, 2024