Lily, a two-year-old West Highland Terrier, has been vomiting for months, now primarily in the early morning. She is on Proviable Forte and Reglan, and has undergone various tests including bloodwork, ultrasound, and x-rays, but the cause remains uncertain. The current vet suspects a hiatal hernia and recommends exploratory surgery. What could be causing Lily's vomiting, and what are the next steps to diagnose and treat her condition?
September 19th, 2023
My 24-pound Frenchie, Kosta, may have swallowed a half of my uncle's Eliquis pill. He is acting a little off and was found sniffing around the floor where the pill was. What should I do?
January 2nd, 2023
My Siberian Husky, Balto, ate a lot of Vetsmart Green Lipped Mussel. What should I do?
August 29th, 2024
I have a dog named Dexter, born on 4/1/2010, who has soft stool despite giving him 1 packet of Fortiflora every day. How much maximum Fortiflora can I give him, and is there any other suggestion to firm his stool?
November 1st, 2024
Our 22 lb French bulldog, Mugsy, brought us a huge dead rat. Should I take him to the vet tomorrow, wait for symptoms, or clean his mouth? We have 3 small children and Mugsy is 1 year old with all recommended vaccinations.
November 6th, 2023
My 3-year-old Border Collie, Frankie, ate a significant amount of hydrocerin cream about 2-3 hours ago. What should I do?
August 13th, 2024