My 10-month-old American Staffordshire Terrier puppy, Diamond, has hurt her right hind leg and is limping noticeably. There is a little bit of swelling but nothing seems displaced. Can I give her something for pain until I can get to the vet in the morning?
November 12th, 2024
My dog ate chocolate chip cookie powder that is gluten-free and vegan. He's a 60lb Malinois named Apollo, 2 years old. He ate it about an hour ago and is not showing any symptoms. Is he going to be okay?
December 24th, 2024
My 80-pound dog ate two Power Crunch energy bars about 15 minutes ago. He seems fine, but the bars contain cocoa powder, and I'm concerned about potential toxicity. He is also heartworm positive and currently being treated with gabapentin and prednisone. What should I do?
October 11th, 2024
My dog is lethargic, shaking a little, and not eating. She is usually a happy, playful dog, but this behavior is unusual for her. How long has the dog been lethargic? Any changes in her appetite? Could she have eaten something unusual? What's the dog's name and age? Is there anything else the Vet should know before I connect you?
June 7th, 2024
A 9-year-old bulldog has symptoms of neuropathy/nerve paralysis, gastroenteritis, lethargy, and renal (kidney) disorder. The owner is concerned about the dog's health and potential for recovery. Is it possible for the dog to recover through medication from a vet and become healthy again, or is it likely to be a serious condition?
October 30th, 2024
My 1-year-old lab mix ate about 1/4-1/2 cup of pecans from some pecan cookies. The pecans were roasted with maple syrup, and the other ingredients were oat flour, vanilla extract, butter, and powdered sugar. He is 60 lbs and is not showing any distress. Should I induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide or wait to see if he shows any signs of becoming ill?
December 31st, 2023