My 13-year-old Yorky-mix, Pogi, has been unwell for the past three weeks with symptoms including a lack of appetite, scratching/biting, disinterest in walking, and weight loss (about 20% over the last month). Bloodwork shows all indicators within normal range except for a significant increase in 'BLD' from 25 to 250 Ery/ul. Additionally, she has a high UPC (1.16) which was previously 2.23. What could be causing these symptoms and what further tests should be considered?
November 22nd, 2024
My pug accidentally ingested theophylline bronchodilator and is restless, diabetic, and has thrown up after using peroxide. What should I do?
December 25th, 2024
My 9lb dog, Chewy, ate my 27lb dog's dose of 32.4mg phenobarbital. What should I do?
September 16th, 2024
My 11-year-old dog, Georgia, vomited twice tonight and did the same on Friday. She seemed okay on Saturday but has not eaten much today and vomited twice within an hour. She is not showing signs of pain or unusual tiredness. What could be causing the vomiting and what can I do to help her?
July 19th, 2023
My 7-year-old lab, Riley, started holding his rear leg up tonight. He had his annual wellness appointment last month and is only on heartworm and flea and tick prevention. He was playing with our other lab today and didn't yelp while playing. I noticed he was holding his leg up when he got up from his bed. Our vet had to close until 10/6 because some employees tested positive for COVID. I'm concerned he may have torn his CCL. What should I do?
November 22nd, 2024
My cocker spaniel, Nugget, who weighs about 9 kilos and is 2 years old, just drank some diluted Yates Thrive Roses & Flowers natural Fish & Seaweed fertiliser (20 ml to 9 litres of water). He seems fine but I am worried. He drank about 3 laps of the diluted solution about 10 minutes ago and hasn't thrown up. What should I do?
January 21st, 2024