My 14 lb. Yorkie had a large 8 oz. stillborn pup this morning. It's been 5 hours, and I don't hear or feel any more pups. She is not pushing or breathing heavily but is nesting. Should I give her oxytocin, and if so, when is the best time to administer it after whelping?
October 22nd, 2024
Our dog, Oscar, had a Cerenia injection at 11 am today and was sent home with pills. He was diagnosed with diabetes and pancreatitis, has bladder stones, and received his first insulin injection an hour ago. He is panting excessively and uncomfortable. When should we start the pills, and should we give him more Cerenia? Why is he panting so much?
April 9th, 2024
My 11-year-old Labrador walked approximately 3.8 miles and came home stiff, shivering, and in pain. She is lying by a fire under a blanket. Can we give her Advil or Tylenol? She weighs 85-90lbs. What should we do for her?
September 18th, 2023
Can a blood test detect poison in a dog that has passed away after showing symptoms of weakness, high temperature, behavioral disturbances, confusion, seizures, and death, and was exposed to roach medicine containing abamectin B1 0.05% plus pyriproxyfen 0.50% about a month ago?
November 11th, 2024
My 19-pound schnauzer, Lady Bird, ate a quarter of a 200 mg Advil about 10 minutes ago. She seems fine, but what should I do to ensure her safety and monitor her condition?
April 27th, 2023
My dog, Macy, has been putting her tail to one side, which could indicate an anal gland blockage. She also has a mass on her bladder. Should I take her to the groomer for anal gland expression or directly to the vet?
March 24th, 2024