My 16-year-old Miniature Dachshund, Max, is almost blind, almost deaf, has weak hind legs, shows signs of dementia, and has started to defecate and urinate in the house despite being just outside. He drinks a lot of water, sleeps a lot, has very stinky breath, breathes heavily when sleeping, and has gained a lot of weight in the last 5 years. What should I consider in deciding whether it's time to put him down?
November 18th, 2024
My 3-month-old Bichon mix dog, Lulu, weighing 10.4 lbs, swallowed an 800mg Motrin about 15 minutes ago. We administered 5ml of hydrogen peroxide, and she has vomited twice but the pill is not visible. How long has it been since she threw up, and is there anything else the vet should know?
November 12th, 2023
My 3-year-old labradoodle, Jack, vomited twice last night and today has been lethargic and won’t eat. He has drunk water though. What could be causing this and what should I do?
January 5th, 2023
My 9-month-old pitbull terrier got ahold of a block of green rat poison. She didn't eat it all. What should I do?
August 24th, 2024
My dog, Odin, a 1-year-old Golden Retriever weighing over 100 pounds, had an open bottle of acid demand titrand in his mouth about 20 minutes ago. There are no symptoms, but I'm unsure if he ingested any. What should I do?
October 12th, 2024
My 65-pound lab ate roughly 40 grams of Tomcat rat poison containing bromethalin. He is acting fine, but what should I do to ensure his safety?
April 23rd, 2024