My 17-week-old puppy, Boo, ate a 100 mg zonisamide pill. It has been about 15 minutes. What can I do?
April 5th, 2023
My dog, Izzy, is peeing blood and has been treated for a urinary tract infection (UTI) twice, but the issue persists or has returned. She also has trouble peeing and has had accidents in the house. What can I give her for pain?
July 18th, 2024
My dog, Gizmo, a 7-year-old, is throwing up undigested food 4 hours after eating. She had runny stool yesterday but it's back to normal now. What should I do?
February 16th, 2023
My 17-week-old French bulldog puppy received his rabies shot on Saturday and started showing symptoms of lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting on Tuesday. He also received Trifexis for fleas and heartworms. Should I be concerned about these symptoms, and is there anything I can do to help him feel better?
November 30th, 2024
My two-year-old blue heeler is experiencing severe skin problems with blisters that bleed, hot spots, and bad breath. He is on a prescription diet food but continues to lick the affected areas. What could be causing these issues and what can be done to help him?
May 6th, 2023
My dachshund, CeeCee, has front leg paralysis, cries in pain, and is on crate rest. She is 12 years old and has regained feeling in her front paws on the pinch test. What could be causing her paralysis, and what immediate at-home care can I provide for her pain until I can get her to a veterinarian?
March 6th, 2023