My 3-year-old 20 lb Labradoodle, Rocky, was carried in a greenhouse and may have ingested mouse bait with teeth marks. He vomited this afternoon but has since eaten a full can of dog food and is drinking. What should I do?
June 12th, 2023
My Yorkie terrier, Lil Mama, who is 14 years old, started limping and whining about an hour ago. I checked her right back leg/paw but didn’t find any visible issues. What could be causing this and what should I do?
November 5th, 2024
Our dog, Jade, a 6-year-old, has become unusually lethargic, flinches when we reach toward her, hasn't eaten, and does not want to drink. She was fine 6 hours ago. What could be the issue and what should we do?
May 14th, 2024
My dog is showing symptoms similar to parvo or has possibly come into contact with a lawn fertilizer containing nitrogen. He is vomiting, and I'm unable to get him to a vet immediately. What should I do to help my dog?
June 6th, 2023
My cockapoo, Daisy, has a swollen eye today. The bump appears to be outside the eyeball, more on the eyelid or forehead, causing her eye to look closed. She can't reach to lick it but is rubbing her face on her paw and leg. Daisy is 1 1/2 years old and has no other symptoms. The swelling occurred since this morning.
December 23rd, 2024
My 1-year-old German Shepherd, Tucker, has been lethargic, not eating or drinking, and has a cough for the last few days. His gums are pale pink and his nose is dry. His breathing is faster than normal. What could be wrong and what should I do?
May 12th, 2024