My 50 lb labradoodle, Gracie, who will be 3 years old on May 10, ate a part of a chew toy made of small oval silicone beads from a pacifier chain. She vomited up one of the beads along with some yellow bile. Should I be concerned about her health?
November 14th, 2023
My 3-year-old male Husky, Loki, chewed up a small black combat roach motel. No plastic was swallowed, but the bait inside was ingested. What should I do?
May 14th, 2023
My dog, Io, a 6-year-old, has been experiencing intermittent diarrhea every few days, sometimes after not having a bowel movement in the morning. His appetite and fluid intake are normal, and he plays as usual. He had a recent Lyme disease flare-up treated with antibiotics. What could be causing this and what can I do to help?
August 22nd, 2023
My dog, Puff, a 6-year-old Maltese mix, was choking earlier today and has since stopped, but now her stomach is extremely hard and bloated. She had a duck feet treat earlier, which she has had before without issue. What should I do?
December 23rd, 2024
My dog, Oliver, a 7-year-old, seems very tired and lethargic for a few days. He has been eating his regular food but seems more interested in treats. I am not sure if he ate something unusual, as my parents have been watching him for the past couple of weeks. What could be causing this and what should I do?
January 12th, 2024
What are the best ways to keep a not fully vaccinated puppy safe, especially during potty training and short walks in an urban apartment complex environment?
December 14th, 2024