My 6-month-old Bouvier pup, Nelson, has a rash around the groin area. There is no evidence of fleas, and we live in Michigan with below-freezing temperatures. We have not used flea preventative since winter started. Our other 4-year-old Bouvier does not have any symptoms. What could be causing the rash, and what can we do to help Nelson?
December 1st, 2023
My 7-month-old mixed breed dog, Bo, is drooling excessively, especially while sleeping, with pools of drool on the floor. He is otherwise acting, eating, and drinking normally. What could be causing this and what should I do?
June 18th, 2023
My bulldog's dewclaw has ripped off the first layer, but the second layer is still attached. It bled a lot the first day and now, 4 days later, it still bleeds slightly when the bandage is removed. He keeps trying to lick it, which seems to bother him. What are the next steps to ensure proper healing and prevent infection?
July 8th, 2023
I have a German Miniature Pinscher named Sir Precautious, aged 11, who has developed a harsh congested cough that sounds like kennel cough. I have already taken him to a vet who suggested allergies or sinus drainage and prescribed antibiotics, but the cough continues to recur. Is there anything we can get over the counter for him, or should we reschedule for an office visit for a kennel immunization shot?
March 19th, 2024
My dog, Boogie, who is 8 years old and slightly overweight, is continuously coughing as if something is stuck in her throat. Is there anything I can do other than giving her Vaseline?
April 15th, 2024
My dog, Sir Winston, was treated for fleas and given Benadryl due to itching, but he became more agitated after taking the medication. What should I do to alleviate his itching and agitation?
February 8th, 2023