My 60 lb labradoodle named Buddy ate a 10.5 oz Oreo cookie crunch bar covered in milk chocolate. He's 1 year old and healthy. What should I do?
May 13th, 2023
My dog, Bixby, a 20 lbs, 8-year-old Maltese Yorkie mix, was recently diagnosed with Cushing's and started on 30mg of medication 8 days ago. He was still drinking a lot and shaking, so the vet advised stopping the medication and scheduled an appointment. Today, he seems almost blind. What should I do?
June 15th, 2023
Our puppy was playing this morning, but now he is not interested and is sleeping while his sisters are running around playing. We gave him some puppernoi this morning. Should we worry, and could he just have an upset stomach?
February 26th, 2023
My 7-month-old Morkie named Gus ate a Vitamin B12 tablet. Will he be okay? Gus weighs about 4 lbs.
May 26th, 2024
My 1 1/2-year-old dog, Luna, ate half a Scotch Brite sponge last night. She had a hard time pooping and threw up afterward, but her gums were moist and pink, and she seemed fine. She has been sleeping most of the day and has pooped several times, but I haven't seen any sponge in her stool. She's not eating much and doesn't seem like herself. What should I be looking for and what should I do?
August 17th, 2023
My 5-year-old female pug, Joanie, who is normally very hyper, is acting ultra-calm tonight, panting, and shaking like a chihuahua. She didn't eat her dinner, which isn't uncommon for her. She takes Prozac every morning for aggressive behavior towards cars and dogs. What could be causing her unusual behavior and should I give her tramadol for pain relief?
May 31st, 2023