My 7-month-old lab mix may have eaten my prescription METHIMAZOLE 5 MG. She got it from the counter and cracked the body of the bottle. I picked up a bunch from the floor. There was a lot still there. I don’t know how many were in the bottle. She’s playing fine now. But I’m nervous. How long ago did this happen? Have you noticed any symptoms or changes in her behavior since this incident occurred?
August 10th, 2023
My puppy has started vomiting and is having difficulty urinating, with no urine coming out. She also has a little bit of blood in her fur near her pee area. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
July 2nd, 2023
My dog is showing symptoms of an inflamed prostate, including an ear infection with a bad smell and dribbling urine. What antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications can be given, and how should I clean his ears until he can be seen by a vet?
November 7th, 2023
My puppy had diarrhea last night and threw up today. She's been eating and drinking normally despite these symptoms. What could be causing this and what should I do?
July 30th, 2024
Do I need to do a secondary shot, aka booster shot, after deworming my dog to take care of the worms that aren't hatched yet?
July 1st, 2024
My dog, a 1-year-and-3-month-old miniature schnauzer, has been experiencing symptoms for about 3 weeks, including not eating, drinking water but regurgitating it, showing discomfort, and getting tired easily. The vet did bloodwork but couldn't find anything, and I couldn't afford further tests like leptospirosis. What could be causing these symptoms and what can I do to help my dog?
August 4th, 2023