My 75lb German Shepherd ate one chewy bar from Costco and possibly a decaffeinated tea bag. Is this a cause for concern?
June 7th, 2024
My dog was diagnosed with a perineal hernia and needs a Junior Wellness Panel. Can I take him in for the bloodwork later today even though he already ate breakfast?
July 6th, 2023
Our 57-pound Golden Doodle may have eaten 1-3 raisins. Do we need to take him in?
January 10th, 2023
My daughter put out some scrap from a meal that has been there for about a month and it has a very bad smell. My dogs ate it and are both shaking and trembling really bad. What can I get over the counter to help them?
March 4th, 2023
What are the signs that a 10-pound dog, Honey B, who might have eaten chocolate, would exhibit?
June 13th, 2024
I have a 13-year-old black dog named Clyde who has been licking and swallowing frequently throughout the night for the past couple of months. He often seems irritated and uncomfortable, and sometimes drinks water to make himself vomit. He also seems to search out vegetation to eat more frequently now. He is 70 lbs and eats 4-5 cups of food a day. What could be causing this behavior, and what should I do?
August 21st, 2024