My 8-month-old beagle, Annie, was spayed 9 weeks ago. Today, I noticed a red, pimple-like lump at the top of her incision site that is oozing slightly clear fluid. What could this be, and what should I do?
November 12th, 2023
My dog, Chance, who is 2 years old, has had a yeast infection for about 6 months. He is itchy and smells like fungus. I want to give him Nystatin that I have. What should I do?
July 5th, 2023
My sister's dog, Jake, a large black lab mix weighing about 100 pounds, ate a couple of 200mg caffeine pills around 2 hours ago. He's been running around really fast but hasn't thrown up yet. Should we bring him to the vet?
May 7th, 2023
I have a 6-month-old Aussie doodle named Safari. She has had a sick tummy after her last shots, not eating her dog food and throwing it up. She has kept down some chicken but hasn't eaten all day. She still plays outside but lays around when she comes back. What can I give her that would be easy on her tummy?
August 10th, 2023
My almost 5-month-old Rottweiler, Luther, vomited this morning, which appears to be last night's dinner. He has been more lethargic than usual today, sleeping a lot but occasionally playing and eating. He hasn't vomited since and eats quickly. Is there anything to worry about, especially considering the hot weather?
August 17th, 2024
My 8.5 lb dog, Mookie, ate a Corociden Hip Poll about 30 minutes ago and has not thrown up. What should I do?
December 28th, 2024