My 8-month-old lab puppy, Boone, has been biting at his tail for a couple of weeks, which has worsened recently. He has several bare spots and a red sore now. He was previously treated for ringworm and is currently taking Benadryl and heartworm medication. What could be causing this issue, and what steps should I take to address it?
April 12th, 2024
My 19.5 pound Schnauzer, Piper, possibly ate 2.8 oz of 55% dark chocolate between 12:30 and 4:30. She is showing no symptoms but has a distended stomach. What should I do to monitor her condition and what precautions should I take?
October 29th, 2024
My 2.5-year-old American Akita, Puckett, drank a significant amount of hamburger grease from an 8-inch diameter bowl, causing him to gag, throw up, and possibly have diarrhea since then. What should I do to help him?
June 18th, 2023
My 10.5-week-old puppy, Loki, who weighs about 8 lbs, was chewing on a rhododendron leaf a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if he ingested any of it. Should I be concerned, and is there anything I should do before symptoms appear?
February 3rd, 2024
My 55-pound female pitbull ate two or three granola bars with milk chocolate chips. She previously ate a whole bag of dark chocolate without any issues. There are no signs of chocolate poisoning so far, but it's only been a few hours. Should I be concerned, and what should I watch for?
February 12th, 2024
I spoke with a vet about my puppy Daisy who has diarrhea. I was instructed to feed her rice and boiled chicken or beef until her feces become normal. I want to know how much to feed her, what type of chicken to use, and if I should use any supplements like Metamucil or probiotics. Additionally, I'm concerned about her exercise routine during this time.
November 4th, 2023