My Beagle, Addison, who weighs 28 lbs, ingested a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing 15 minutes ago. She is 7 years old and has been in good health. What should I do and is there a risk of chocolate toxicity?
July 24th, 2023
My 1-year-old Labrador retriever, McGraw, has a rash in his left ear that is more red with black spots. The rash is not irritating him, and he does not go swimming often. What could be causing this rash, and what should I do about it?
April 3rd, 2024
My 8-year-old German Shepherd, Indy, is suddenly compulsively eating grass, vomiting foamy substance with grass, passing gas, and has a soft, gurgling stomach. He is not agitated and has no history of eating unusual items. What could be causing this and what should I do?
November 1st, 2023
My 6-month-old puppy, Diaz, is limping and not putting much pressure on his front left paw. The issue started right after his walk in the afternoon, and nothing looks swollen. Could this be a sprain from trying to get to a nearby dog, and is it possible for a dog to get a sprain?
October 23rd, 2024
My 70-pound dog, Sadie (5 years old), ate about a tablespoon of Sevin granules about 20 minutes ago. She is acting completely normal and has not vomited. What should I do to ensure she is safe?
January 7th, 2023
My dog just got into a bag of chocolate with wrappers. What should I do?
January 20th, 2023