My Doberman, Creidos, is 6 years old and has major abscessed teeth, not eating, lost all body weight, had blood in stool, sores in mouth, bleeding swollen gums, droopy eyes with discharge, and is generally in poor health. He can't get into a regular vet and the urgent care isn't open till after 6. What should I do?
November 24th, 2024
My dog, Bella, a 3-year-old lab mix weighing 50-60lbs, ate at least 8 maximum strength Ex Lax pills. She has not vomited and is currently acting normally. What should I do and what are the potential effects on her health?
September 22nd, 2023
Our dog, a 60lb boxer named Pearl who is 8 years old, ate a large hollow Lindt bunny chocolate during a hike. She is currently on Proin for dog pee issues and is otherwise healthy. She has not vomited or had diarrhea, but she did not eat her dinner initially. What should we watch for, and is there anything we can do to prevent an adverse reaction?
March 16th, 2024
My 10-year-old dog, Maxine, has been scoffing her food as if always hungry, has a bloated tummy, is listless, and has gained weight over the past week. I have given her worm medication but it doesn't seem to be helping. What could be causing this and what should I do?
July 23rd, 2024
My dog, Yoda, is currently taking furosemide and pimobendan to help with fluid in his lungs. He is taking short, shallow, rapid breaths today and coughing more than usual. He is a 9-year-old silky who had heartworms years ago. What should I do?
January 23rd, 2023
My 4-month-old, 4lb puppy ate a 1-inch piece of plastic zipper teeth and some cardboard. The cardboard was eaten 24 hours ago and has not passed yet. The puppy has not vomited, is acting fine, eating normally, and shows no abdominal pain. However, he sometimes seems like he is about to vomit and has inconsistent stool consistency. Should I be concerned about an intestinal blockage, and when should I take him to the vet?
September 10th, 2023