My dog, a 1-year-old Jack Russell Terrier male, just suffered a bad fall and has a swollen paw. He has been licking the area. What should I do for the swelling and pain, and is it safe to use Advil instead of aspirin?
February 21st, 2024
Hi, I know you said for Dwane, eggs, fish or chicken but what about some beef? Last time a vet recommended some beef. Would that do with a little bit of rice? For his upset tummy?
September 14th, 2023
My Golden Doodle, Jessie, ate 50mg of Zoloft and other medications (Clonazepam, Seretilan, Omprehzil, Bystolic, Clopidrial, and 2 vitamin D tablets) an hour ago. She weighs 35 lbs and is 5 months old. What should I do?
February 27th, 2023
My six-month-old puppy, Koda, was diagnosed with Parvovirus yesterday morning after showing symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and not eating. He received an antibiotic shot and anti-nausea medication, and is now back to normal. Should I test him again, and is it possible that his recent vaccinations could have caused a false positive?
August 31st, 2024
My dog ate some edibles containing 20 mg of THC. He is 15 lbs and 2 years old. Should I get his stomach pumped, and what are the potential effects on him?
October 29th, 2023
My dog, Blu, is experiencing stiffness in his back legs, lethargy, and a decreased appetite for about 3 days. I have removed numerous ticks from him and suspect the effects of the ticks. Is there something I can do?
July 7th, 2023