My dog, a 6-year-old Chihuahua named Bella, was treated by a vet at an animal humane society last April for joint issues in her left hind leg, particularly the knee area. She is currently taking Rimadyl. What else should I know or do to help manage her condition?
October 7th, 2024
My 11-year-old Lab mix, Maxi, has a yeast infection on her skin, specifically dry, crusty peeling skin with a dark center on her belly and chest. She has had this issue for a few weeks, and the vet previously diagnosed it as dry skin. What could be causing this, and what steps can I take to treat it?
April 24th, 2023
My 18 lb puppy, a mix of Poodle, Lab, and Cocker Spaniel, picked up a tube of liquid ant poison containing sodium tetraborate. It has been 20 minutes since the puppy ingested it, and he has not vomited. He just pooped, and it looks solid. What should I do?
March 2nd, 2024
My dog, Kilo, a 10-year-old, has been throwing up liquid with food in it after switching to a different type of dog food (kibble mini bites instead of regular size bites). What could be causing this and what should I do?
June 7th, 2024
My dog ate pot gummies. He's a 30 lbs pug named Baker, 2 years old. He has vomited and pooped since then. What should I do?
July 25th, 2023
My dog, Bumblebee, a 2-year-old French bulldog weighing 17 lbs, ate about a tablespoon of hot fudge about 10 minutes ago. Should I be concerned about toxicity, and what should I do to help her if she starts showing signs of an upset stomach?
March 14th, 2023