My dog, a pit bull mix named Allie, is experiencing frequent vomiting and house accidents, has become lethargic, bloated, and is not eating as much. She recently tore up a small carpet and has been getting bad gas. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
September 8th, 2024
My dog Cooper, a 6-year-old Golden Retriever, has a red and swollen paw due to excessive licking, possibly from allergies. I have polymyxin B sulfate and gramicidin ointment. Is it safe to use, and what else can I do to help him?
November 29th, 2024
My dog, MI, has had a painful and hard abdomen for a week, accompanied by cold sweats, shaking from pain, dehydration, and weakness. She has not been eating well and has only passed soft stool with hair in it three times in the past week. The hard and slightly swollen area is near her liver, stomach, and spleen. What could be causing this and what should I do?
August 21st, 2023
What could be causing Bruno's symptoms of brown urine and orange stool, and what treatment and diet recommendations would help speed up his healing process?
April 27th, 2023
My 12 lb Japanese Chin ate a 1/2 milligram Pergolide and started vomiting in minutes. What should I do?
December 5th, 2023
I accidentally gave a double dose of hydralazine (20 mg) to the wrong dog. The dog weighs 75 lbs. Is this dose harmful, and what should I do?
November 13th, 2024