My dog ate raisins. What size is the dog? How many raisins were eaten? When was this? Has he thrown up since then? What's the dog's name and age? Is there anything else the Vet should know before I connect you?
October 4th, 2024
My Havanese, Ellie, a 2-year-old weighing 15 lbs, swallowed a small rock about 3/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter. Should we induce vomiting, and what should we do if she starts showing signs of distress?
July 23rd, 2023
My dog may have fractured his leg after being hit by a vehicle. He is standing on it but not walking. What can we do?
March 18th, 2023
My dog’s groomer shaved his genitals, causing a rash. This is the second time this has happened. I already had some medicine for him, but I was advised to switch the spray. He is acting much better, but I want to make sure I don’t need to do anything else. He doesn’t seem to be in pain, but he still itches.
October 15th, 2024
My dog chewed on my flourish toothpaste and swallowed a small amount. The dog is 19.6 lbs and 9 months old, named Riley. What should I do?
April 5th, 2024
My 9-month-old dog, Mak, has been experiencing red eyes, retching/dry heaves, coughing after water intake, reduced appetite, lethargy, inconsistent stools ranging from solid and dark to pure watery, and growling when petted at night only. He has had on and off symptoms with regards to water intake, stools, and excessive panting with little exercise since surgery two months ago. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
February 14th, 2023