My dog ate THC/CBD gummies. She weighs about 5 pounds and may have eaten 4-5 gummies, each containing 10 mg. I noticed something was wrong about half an hour ago, and she hasn't thrown up. Her name is Mia, and she is 1.5 years old. What should I do?
June 29th, 2024
My dog, Mickey, has a lump inside his upper lip that looks like a wound or sore and is very infected. It's about the size of a cherry tomato and appeared quickly over the last 36 hours. The lump is attached to the lip, not the gum, and there is swelling at the site. Mickey is 9 years old and has not shown any discomfort or change in demeanor. What should I do about this lump, and how urgent is it to get it checked by a vet?
February 7th, 2023
My 1-year-old, 6-pound Chihuahua named Millie ate a dried dead lizard and has been acting oddly since, showing signs of nervousness such as ears back, tail tucked, being abnormally clingy, and wanting to lay under the bed. Should I take her to the ER or wait?
August 31st, 2023
My Shiba just ate a chocolate cupcake. The dog weighs 25 pounds and is named Casey, aged 1 year. What should I do?
May 25th, 2023
My dog, Dude, a 12lb Shih Tzu, is constipated and hasn't had a bowel movement in about 48 hours. He is straining to defecate and is not eating. What should I do to help him?
August 22nd, 2024
I brought my 8-week-old golden retriever/lab puppy home a week ago. He's been fine with no diarrhea until today. He had a stressful day yesterday with many people around, and today he's had two rounds of diarrhea, not runny but with a pudding texture. His appetite was poor this morning but fine now, and he's very active. He may have picked up something off the floor or explored outside. Should I be concerned or just monitor the situation?
January 21st, 2024