My dog, Cialis, a 7-year-old Schnauzer weighing 22 lbs, ingested an unknown quantity of Cialis. I tried to induce vomiting with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. What should I do next?
July 11th, 2024
My mini Schnauzer, Theo, age 8, is experiencing severe itching and hives, primarily on his back, bottom, and neck. I tried Benadryl, which worked for about 90 minutes. He has a history of sensitivity to bee stings but no prior hives. What should I do?
November 5th, 2024
My dog, Ginger, is restless, burying herself in her favorite blanket, and whining. My children believe they saw a sac about almost 2 hours ago but are unsure if she popped it. She is 9 weeks pregnant and has a tight belly that is not contracting. She ate but is disinterested in water. What should I do?
June 9th, 2023
My 9-year-old pitbull, Pando, has had a severe bacterial skin infection all over his body for the last 2 months. We have visited numerous vets, but the treatments have not helped. He recently stopped eating voluntarily, and now his stool contains bloody mucus. Pando has lost a significant amount of weight. What could be causing this and what further steps should be taken?
June 18th, 2024
My 6-year-old Yorkie, Rockie, constantly suffers from constipation. What can be done for this?
August 21st, 2023
My 10-year-old Jack Russell, Foxy, has developed firm lumps near each hip. She has had soft cysts near her back legs for a while, which don't seem to affect her, but these new lumps are firmer and appeared suddenly. What could these lumps be and should I be concerned?
July 11th, 2023