My dog, Cooper, occasionally makes a half-coughing and grunting noise, but then is fine after. The coughing is sporadic and doesn't last long, maybe 1-2 times a day at most. She had tested positive for heartworm but has finished her meds. Should I be concerned and take her to the ER, or wait until my vet appointment on the 7th?
August 13th, 2023
Can I administer 6 units of insulin to my diabetic dog, Candela, who is 8 years old and weighs 23.6 pounds, if her glucose level was 2.7 mmol/L before eating?
August 31st, 2023
My miniature schnauzer, Miss Diva, ate a little bit of boneless ham yesterday and has been experiencing frequent urination, liquid stool, and vomiting since then. She also doesn't have an appetite this morning. What should I do to help her feel better?
May 19th, 2023
My 8-year-old Hungarian Puli, Rufus, has been coughing and occasionally vomiting after getting excited or trying to bark. The vomit sometimes contains food and is mostly saliva with occasional froth. He also has anxiety issues and recently changed owners. What could be causing this and what can I do to help him?
January 5th, 2024
My 6.5-year-old English Sheepdog, Daisy, has had diarrhea since Saturday evening. She is not eating, her drinking comes out as water, she is up all night standing and panting heavily, and she is shivering and refusing to go outside. What should I do to help her?
October 20th, 2024
My 6.5-year-old Maltese Shitzou/toy poodle mix had a 10-minute seizure and seemed okay afterward. We are concerned it might be related to Ratsak, as seizures are a symptom. He is generally healthy and has never had a seizure before. What could be the cause of the seizure, and should we be concerned about Ratsak poisoning?
December 19th, 2024