My dog has a rash and irritated skin. What could be the cause, and what treatment options are available?
June 27th, 2024
My dog's ear flap is swollen. I noticed it on Saturday night and called his vet. I could not get an appointment until tomorrow at 2:15. I believe he has an aural hematoma. Can I wait another day until he sees the vet or should I take him immediately to the emergency vet clinic? The clinic is 1 hour away. He looks miserable. He is not licking the swelling but puts his paw up to his ear like he is trying to scratch and shakes his head a lot. His name is Ike, he is a rescue and probably about 11 or 12 years old. I have never seen this problem with him before.
September 4th, 2024
I accidentally used contact cleaning solution on my 9-month-old puppy. He's in pain and his eye is swollen. What should I do to help him until he can see a vet tomorrow?
November 10th, 2023
Last night I noticed a mark on my dog’s face and today it looks much more noticeable. He stuck his face in some bushes yesterday on a walk because he heard/saw something move. I’m not sure if he got scratched by a critter or a branch but I’m wondering, should I take him in to urgent care or does it look like something that is just going to heal on its own?
February 20th, 2023
My dog, Ella, a 4-year-old French Bulldog, has had a clear vaginal discharge for the first time today. She was spayed about 2 years ago and has not seen a vet recently. What could this discharge indicate and what should I do?
January 14th, 2024
My Chihuahua, Nutmeg, ingested a small amount of marijuana about 20 minutes ago and has since vomited and become sleepy. What should I do to help her and what are the potential effects of marijuana ingestion in dogs?
April 1st, 2024