My dog, Moose, a 6-year-old Doberman, is having difficulty standing and walking, dragging his front paws. He started showing these symptoms on Sunday, and I took him to the animal hospital on Monday where they did blood work and X-rays, which showed no issues. They prescribed Gabapentin 600mg for pain, but he seems to be getting worse. What could be causing this and what should I do?
November 26th, 2024
My 4-month-old dog, Winston, has been experiencing watery diarrhea every hour since earlier today. He ate his dinner fine and isn't vomiting. He had vaccines today and was stressed. He had one episode of diarrhea on Sunday and was given anti-diarrheal medication. What could be causing this and what should I do?
May 15th, 2024
My dog, Aurora, a 3-year-old, ate a piece of a plastic toy and started throwing up yellow foamy bile. This morning, she threw up her breakfast along with the plastic piece. She has been lethargic and hasn't eaten dinner. Should we bring her to a vet immediately, or wait until morning and see how she's feeling?
November 1st, 2023
My Boxer mix, Dani, ingested about 10 (25mg) tablets of Proim. She is 50 lbs and 4 years old. She has not vomited since ingesting the tablets. What should I do?
July 25th, 2023
My 30-pound mini Aussie ate about 2000mg of children's ibuprofen. Should I take her to seek medical care?
November 6th, 2024
My Husky/coonhound/gsd mix, Kida, is on Vetoryl for Cushing's disease at 30mg/day. Her tests showed this dosage was perfect, but she has lost weight, has coordination problems, severe tremors, and a drastically reduced appetite. We switched to Vetoryl every other day two weeks ago, but she's gotten worse. I'm worried about organ damage or failure. What should I do?
August 4th, 2023