My dog, Oreo, a 1-year-6-month-old Maltese Shih Tzu weighing 7.3 kg, accidentally ate a cooked chicken bone from the bin. He hasn't vomited since. What should I do?
January 2nd, 2023
My 8-month-old pit bull, Loki, has had diarrhea for a couple of days and recently vomited once, which was chunky and contained undigested food and leaves from the backyard. She doesn't seem uncomfortable, but I'm concerned about the diarrhea. Could she have eaten something unusual in the backyard, and what should I do to help her?
November 8th, 2024
My 2-year-old German Shepherd is exhibiting symptoms that may be related to flea medicine poisoning, such as shaking, muscle spasms, body stiffness, and drooling. She had a flea collar on, and we bathed her in Dawn dish soap. What should I be concerned about, and are there any life-threatening signs I should watch for?
November 1st, 2024
My dog, Lil Daddy, has a prolapsed rectum for about 3 days. He is about 4 months old and has not been taking any medications. I took him to a vet but had to leave due to long wait times and high charges. What should I do?
December 5th, 2023
My 11-year-old mix breed male dog, Gizmo, is passing blood in his stool and is more thirsty than usual. He has been lethargic and drinking ground water from recent floods. What could be causing this and what should I do?
June 7th, 2023
My terrier/chihuahua mix, Belle, ate two rib bones and has been gagging, unable to throw up, with a swollen and hard stomach since last night. She hasn't eaten or drank since then and is showing signs of discomfort. What should I do?
April 19th, 2023