My dog, Paws, a 5-year-old Chihuahua Dachshund mix, was up early this morning whining and wouldn’t get up to walk. He just plopped back on his hind legs, and his tail is limp. He lets me move his legs but whines when I move his back right leg. His tail is limp, and he did pee and poop this morning. What could be wrong, and what should I do?
June 12th, 2024
My 11-month-old dog, Oliver, has bloody diarrhea for the second day. He vomited undigested food and bile yesterday, is not eating normally, and may have eaten a plastic bag or piece of curtain. He is fully vaccinated and his belly is not tender. What should I do?
January 10th, 2023
My dog, Callie, a 3 1/2-year-old part poodle and St. Charles spaniel, has been vomiting yellow mucousy and slightly chunky material since last night. She also wants to eat grass and is unusually staying outside. She occasionally eats paper and has been a little itchy lately. What should I do to help her?
April 14th, 2023
My Beagle, Hazel, age 3 and 24 pounds, stole a prescription bottle of Creon Capsules 24,000 unit from a client's purse. She managed to open two caps, and most of the contents are on the floor. What should I do to ensure Hazel's safety and health?
September 23rd, 2024
Our 84 lb dog, Goose, ate under 300 grams of chocolate protein powder about 7 hours ago. He had some diarrhea 4 hours ago but is acting fine. How do we know if he ingested enough chocolate to be harmful and what should we do to monitor his condition?
November 27th, 2024
My dog, Irie, a 13-pound mini poodle mix, may have eaten two grapes. She is 2 years old and in good health. Should I induce vomiting, monitor her, or seek further veterinary advice?
July 11th, 2023