My dog, Rocky, ate half of a corn cob about 12-15 minutes ago. He weighs 117 pounds, is 8 years old, and has eaten corn cobs before in larger quantities. He hasn't vomited yet. What should I do and what are the potential risks?
June 16th, 2024
My 6.5-month-old golden retriever puppy, Jax, ate a small peanut butter cup in the wrapper. He weighs about 60 pounds and ate it just ten minutes ago. He hasn't thrown up and shows no signs of being unwell. Is there any cause for concern, and what should I do?
December 26th, 2024
My dog, Beau, has been losing weight over the last few months, and I can feel his bones more prominently. His appetite hasn't changed, and he hasn't shown any other symptoms. He's been drinking a little more water than usual, but not significantly. Beau is 5 years old and had diarrhea earlier this year for which he was given antibiotics. He hasn't been dewormed recently, and his heartworm treatment isn't as consistent as it should be. What could be causing his weight loss, and what should I do?
January 26th, 2024
My 10-year-old cocker spaniel, Calli, experiences spasms in her legs when sleeping or napping. She has been lethargic for a long while, but her appetite remains healthy. What could be causing these spasms?
April 25th, 2023
My 10-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog, Gus, threw up a torn-up toy yesterday at 5pm, didn't eat last night, and threw up water at midnight. He hasn't eaten since and seems fatigued. He isn't in pain and doesn't react to stomach pressing. What should I do?
March 8th, 2024
My 7-month-old mixed Chihuahua and Rat Terrier, Tinker Bell, has been vomiting since 5 PM and now has diarrhea. The vomit is foamy, and we suspect she might have eaten a toad. What should I do?
October 27th, 2024