My dog, who weighs 22 lbs and is 1 year old, ate about 3-4 spoons of tiramisu 10 minutes ago. Should I be worried, and is there anything I should do?
September 19th, 2024
My 5-month-old golden retriever, Lola, has a swollen face and itchy body after her second walk. She has been licking and rubbing the itchiness all over. We gave her Benadryl, but I'm concerned about what could be causing this reaction. What could be the cause, and what should I do next?
December 6th, 2023
My dog ate a packet of cinnamon roll flavored better oats 100 calorie pack. I checked the ingredients and didn't see anything toxic like xylitol, but I still wanted to check to make sure she'll be okay.
June 11th, 2024
Darcy, an 11-month-old pitbull mix, vomited this morning, hasn't eaten, and had normal poop in the morning but now has pure blood, red, and diarrhea. She seems a little tired and shaky when she pooped. What could be the cause of her symptoms and what should I do?
February 27th, 2024
My dog, Judy, a 5-year-old Pittbull weighing 80lbs, has been experiencing stomach pain for the past two days. She is lethargic, has softer stool than usual, and has eaten a couple of treats today. What should I do to help her?
August 8th, 2023
My 8-month-old Yorkie, Coco, is staggering, falling over, and trembling. Her eyes stay focused straight ahead, and she hasn't seen a vet in a month. She's not on any medication. What could be causing this and what should I do?
June 22nd, 2024