My dog, Zoey, who is 8 years old and has never been spayed, has been showing signs of concern for 3 days. She had pus in her uterus and is in critical condition due to a uterine rupture. What should I do?
April 9th, 2023
My puppy chewed half a capsule of Slimvance. He does not seem to be having any reaction, and it has been about an hour. The puppy weighs 16lbs and is named Oscar. He is acting normal, and we are not sure if he ate the contents inside the capsule. What should we do?
July 22nd, 2023
My 4-year-old Chihuahua, Opie, threw up all his food, is moping, and had diarrhea that looked red. He threw up water this morning and hasn't had anything to drink since. He might have eaten something unusual, but I didn't see it. What should I do?
November 8th, 2023
My dog, Jett, a 13-year-old with stage 1-2 chronic kidney disease (CKD), was prescribed Simplicef (200 mg dose) for a UTI. Is Simplicef safe for her to take, and are there any concerns with the dosage? Additionally, what other antibiotics are recommended for dogs with advanced CKD?
November 18th, 2024
My dog is having problems with either his legs or his hips, and I believe he's in pain. He can barely walk, is up and down, and hasn't eaten since the day before last. He has severe arthritis in his front paws and just got off a 10-day quarantine at the SPCA. What should I do to help him, especially since I can't afford a vet visit right now?
July 3rd, 2024
My dog, Teddy, has a wound that seems to be a bug bite but isn't improving. It continues to bleed and looks like ringworm. The wound has been ongoing for about a week, with scabs falling off or bleeding around them. Teddy is 10 years old and shows no changes in eating, drinking, or defecating. What could this be, and what treatment options are available?
April 24th, 2024