My labrador retriever, Evers, has a hot spot on her face, recurring ear infections, and frequent infections in her eyes and paws. She is five years old. What can be done to address these issues, and what products can help manage them?
December 18th, 2023
My 19-week-old golden retriever/lab mix puppy was found chewing on a very hard, old wisteria pod. I'm unsure if he ingested any part of it. What should I do?
July 5th, 2023
My dog ate a very small amount of chocolate from my chocolate glazed donut. She weighs about 7 lbs and is a year old. Will this hurt her, and what should I do?
March 2nd, 2024
My dog, who weighs 22lbs, just ate about 1/4 cup of chocolate decadence cake containing Belgian unsweetened chocolate. Should I induce vomiting, and what are the potential risks or symptoms of chocolate toxicity?
November 24th, 2023
Can my dog die if he ate a little piece of onion? The dog, Pepper, is 4 months old and weighs 13 pounds. She ate the onion literally right now and has not thrown up since then.
October 6th, 2023
My dog, Ramon, an 8.5-year-old pitbull with a hypoactive thyroid, has a bump near his whiskers that started bleeding last week. The bump has grown and now has a large scab. He has started scratching the area after I cleaned it. What could this be and what treatment should I use?
September 7th, 2023