My mom has a 20lb golden doodle named Mitzy, who is 1.5 years old. Mitzy consumed approximately 3 chocolate chips. Does she need to go to a vet?
April 5th, 2023
My 4-month-old Great Dane, Bleu, ate a piece of a foam mattress hours before my daughter got home. He has been eating and drinking normally, but I noticed he is struggling to poop, with small amounts of liquid coming out. He is still playful and shows no signs of abdominal pain or distension. What could be causing this and what should I do?
February 19th, 2023
My dog, a 7-year-old husky weighing about 40 lbs, drank a small amount (about a tablespoon) of store-bought grapefruit juice 10 minutes ago. She seems fine and hasn't vomited. What should I do?
May 22nd, 2023
My dog may have eaten two or three grapes. He weighs 80 pounds. He has not thrown up and is acting normal. What should I do?
July 31st, 2023
My 11.5-year-old desexed Spoodle, who is normally healthy and active, has refused breakfast and is lethargic since yesterday morning. Today, he is reluctant to get up, has very stiff hind legs, weak movement, and falls over when trying to walk. He urinated outside but had to be carried back in. He had a small drink early this morning but refused more. He passed a small, normal-looking poo yesterday. He has no appetite since yesterday morning. I suspect he might have eaten something unusual, like dead birds or other animals, despite our efforts to keep that away from him. He also has a large hernia, which is monitored but hasn't caused issues to date. What should I do?
February 26th, 2024
My dog was straining for a bowel movement, had a little blood by her tail, and is very constipated. She ate some brisket recently and has been having tummy troubles since. What else should I do for her?
February 23rd, 2024