Our 3-year-old Australian cattle dog mix, Snickerdoodle, accidentally ingested several Carprofen tablets while we were out of town. Since then, she has been vomiting and unable to keep food down. She seems alert but miserable, with a wet nose and clear eyes, but no other symptoms. We are now home and feeding her small amounts of bland food. Is there anything more we should be doing?
March 25th, 2023
My 10-year-old dog, Molly, had bladder stone surgery a few months ago followed by several UTIs. Now she has sandy sludge in her bladder and was having trouble peeing. The vet has her on antibiotics and a muscle relaxer, and she's peeing better but not straining as much. Do you think she can pass the sludge on her own or should the vet flush it? She's on a special diet (Purina NF) and seems otherwise healthy, but we're financially strained from frequent vet visits. What else can be done to help her?
March 17th, 2024
My dog, Kayla, who is almost 14 years old, has an eye infection (red eye and small leakage) that I noticed yesterday. She has used NeoPolyDexathasone in the past with success, but I believe this requires a prescription. What can I do to help her until I can get a prescription?
April 30th, 2023
My dog, Billy, a 15-year-old 7kg dog, has been experiencing wheezing, gurgling stomach, gulping noises when swallowing, pacing, and difficulty lying down for a couple of months. He hasn't eaten since yesterday and has not vomited. He has seen multiple veterinarians with no blockages or breathing issues detected, and steroids made his condition worse. What could be wrong with him and what further tests or treatments should be considered?
October 7th, 2024
My 68-pound Golden Doodle, Sam, ate approximately 2 cups of trail mix with raisins and milk chocolate pieces about 6-8 hours ago. He seems normal and has already peed and pooped this morning. What should I do?
March 23rd, 2024
My dog inhaled a foxtail earlier today. He immediately began sneezing violently and then sneezed a few more times, after which his face went back to normal and he stopped sneezing. About 2 hours later, he sneezed a couple of times but has been acting normal otherwise. Is it possible he successfully sneezed the foxtail out of his nose during his initial sneezing fit?
June 5th, 2024