Our Miniature Schnauzer, Nick, was bitten on the back by our other dog last summer and now has issues with his front leg, including uncontrollable nerve jitters and itching. He can't use the leg and keeps biting at it. What can be done to help him?
October 15th, 2023
My dog cut his nose. Is there anything I can do?
March 21st, 2024
My dog has worms and watery diarrhea, with visible worms in the stool. He is also lethargic and vomiting frequently. What should I do to help him?
September 8th, 2023
My 7-month-old dog, Chief, ingested 10mg of hydralazine and 20mg of baclofen this morning at 10:00. He is currently very sleepy but otherwise seems normal. What should I do, and how much will it cost to take him to an emergency veterinarian?
December 28th, 2023
My 9-year-old dog, Abby, has not had a bowel movement in two days, despite straining to do so. She threw up her breakfast this morning and passed a small amount of runny black stool after straining. What could be causing this and what should I do?
September 14th, 2024
I have a 16-pound Pekingese that is 2 years old. We were walking on a sidewalk under Japanese cherry trees, and he ate something off the ground, possibly cherry blossoms, which could be toxic. He ate it about an hour and a half ago and seems fine so far. How much did the Pekingese eat? Has he vomited? Is there anything else the Vet should know before I connect you?
December 13th, 2023